
Just a few photos to remember our dear brother Robert K., who lost a courageous battle to lymphoma in October, 2012

He was warm and generous big-hearted gentleman-philosopher who always had a funny story to share. He truly loved his wife, his children and his work.

Over three years, beginning in January of 2009, Robert joined the little soireé we call Dads Night Out for beer, yes—but it was more than just beer. DNO has always been about fraternity and the bonhomie shared among the dads after a long day at work. These dads get each other. Having a philosopher and a great storyteller like Robert in the bunch made these monthly meetups a real hoot, and his friendship is something I hold very dear.

I remember Robert calling me with his diagnosis in September and how upbeat he was feeling then. Just a few weeks later, he was gone. How someone who was filled with the spark of life could be taken so young is a question that will always elude me. He is so sorely missed, but his memory really does live on and these wonderful photos fill me with much gratitude for having known him.


No Joy in Mudville, January 2009 Dan & Robert in the castle, February, 2009 Paris, April, 2009 At Barcade, June 2009 Ratlling and Humming, September, 2009 January, 2010, The month they both wore the same sweater! Dan & Robert, June, 2010 The Hop Devil himself, October, 2010 The Walking Wounded, January, 2011 Brothers on Fulton, May, 2011 The Paris Accord: Solving the world's problems, May, 2011 The Guest of Honor, October, 2011 Dropping Off, October, 2011 With the GOOD witch, October, 2011 Top Man, January, 2012
