February 16, 2012

If you set out looking for a joint called "Kettle of Fish Bar," you won't find it.

We met up at Good Beer NYC, which tonight was rechristened for a film shoot. I started with a Ballast Point Abandon Ship Smoked Lager (6.1% ABV). The color was a clear pale brown and it was quite malty. There wasn't much aroma—odd for a Rauchbier—but it had a very pleasant taste that was nicely balanced!

Kevin had a Ballast Point Three Sheets Barleywine. Kevin is a big Barleywine fan. Balast Point's version is a cloudy brown and really interesting. "This is really great! It's complex, spicy and sweet!" From my perspective, it was BIG! Kevin put it aptly: "Alcoholic Malty Balls!"

My friend Henry, who happens to live upstairs from Good Beer, joined us for a bit. I turned him onto one of my current favorites, Southern Tier Brewing's Choklat Stout; at 11.0%! ABV, it's a true dessert beer!

I carry a little yellow notepad for recording the events of DNO. Every now and then I find totally random thoughts inscribed, such as these: "tight anal rampage," "Armory in March," "Don Filmmaker" and "1993 Broadway Morgues." They're clearly written in my own handwriting, yet I have no idea what they mean... Band names? I'm sure it must have been funny at the time!

Kevin had a flight of half-pints that consisted of the Ballast Point Smoked Lager, a River Horse Dunkelweizen, a Smuttynose Porter and the Southern Tier Choklat Stout.

Kevin regaled all with his recollections as a young steward on the Bob-Lo Boats' (which in Kevin's flat Midwestern tone sounds distinctly like "Bobble-O")S. S. Columbia. Wild times, indeed! Apparently, there's talk of restoring the old lady and bringing her here to the Hudson.

"P" & I tried the

, a drak wheat beer. Wow! It was piney, with spicy notes of clove and nutmeg. I'd have this again.

The bottled beer selection here (for purchase, not consumption) is outstanding. The same can be said for the tap selections. There is always amazing stuff on the menu, and a visit here is well worth the effort. You won't regret it!


Good Beer

422 E. 9th St,
New York, NY 10009
(212) 677-4836

Masquerading as a Kettle of Fish

Tools of the Trade

Flights of Fancy

Dunkel very much!

The Case of the Missing Beer!
